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LibraryLink 5 Documentation

User Guide

LibraryLink 5 is a web-based digital asset management application that catalogues and manages a wide variety of digital resources, and links them to database records and/or GIS features.

LibraryLink 5 can organise and provide quick access to images, video and audio files and digital documents such as Word, Excel or PDF files. 

LibraryLink 5 was designed for use with the Exegesis CAMS, CMSi and HBSMR products, but can work with any application which is able to provide two pieces of information — a Record ID and a Record Type.

This section of documentation describes the main areas of LibraryLink 5 functionality for "LibraryLink Editor" users. It is accessible to all.

Information about the advanced configuration of LibraryLink 5 is found in the Administration section, which requires registration. Information about the LibraryLink functionality that is embedded within CAMS, CMSi and HBSMR is found within the documentation for those products.